Body hygiene is all about protecting your body from infections that are brought about by germs and viruses found all around, and some found inside of our body. Body hygiene helps to boost confidence, enhance body image, improve your appearance, all increasing attractiveness. Hygiene is achieved through practices like; bathing, grooming nails, regular handwash, brushing/flossing teeth, and more.
For Women’s Month, we’ll focus on some key practices required for feminine body hygiene for a daily fresh and clean feel;
- Feminine Hygiene

It’s all about your vaginal health, especially with daily vaginal discharge, menstrual discharge, and the exchange of body fluids through sex. The vagina has an acidic PH which contains beneficial bacteria that helps to fend off any kind of infections and is lubricated naturally.
You should not use soaps and shower gels to clean your vaginal area because they will offset your PH levels, leading to infections, dryness, or irritations in your vagina.
Do not use sponges as well, your intimate area is delicate and should be handled delicately with clean hands, and plain water, OR you can opt for PH balanced feminine washes. Try FemFresh daily wash, FemFresh ultimate care soothing wash, Vagisil PH balance intimate wash. Consider consulting your gynecologist before using these feminine washes.
- Bath Hygiene

Bathing or washing your body is an essential part of protecting your health. Establishing a consistent showering routine is very important. Some, shower twice a day that is morning and night while others shower once a day.
When taking these showers or baths, try using exfoliating bath gloves or exfoliating wooden body brush once in a while, to help remove dead skin cells from the body. Don’t over-exfoliate your skin because it will leave your skin prone to damage and dryness.
Always use soaps or showers gels that work best for your skin. Washing your hair with shampoo at least twice a week will prevent you from getting lice, dandruff, and hair breakage. Try 2 in 1 Bamboo bath brush, Exfoliating gloves, Nivea shower cream, Head and Shoulders deep moisture shampoo
- Hand Wash Hygiene
After using the restroom, always remember to wash your hands with running water together with liquid hand soap or bar soap. Gently rub the soap between your fingers, at the back of your hand, and under the nails for about 10 to 20 seconds. Rinse with water and pat dry with a clean towel. After you can go ahead and moisturize your hands. You don’t have to wash your hands only after using the toilet; you have to wash them before eating when you have come in close contact with a dirty surface, garbage, or even a sick person. That’s the only way to protect yourself from germs entering your body. Use a gentle hand lotion, to keep your hands soft and moisturized. Try Dove caring hand wash.
- Oral Hygiene

Practice good oral hygiene by brushing teeth thoroughly twice a day or even after every meal and floss daily to remove plaque between the teeth to prevent gum diseases and cavities.
You can also use an antibacterial mouthwash to rinse your mouth after brushing instead of using tap water which is unhygienic at times. First, consult with your dentist about which mouthwash you can use.
Always have a dental check-up once a year because it’s one way for caring for your teeth.
Try Oral-B Super floss and Aqua Fresh Mouthwash, Colgate Plax Mouth Wash
- Nail Hygiene

Keep your nails clean and neatly manicured to prevent spreading germs into your mouth and other body openings, and to prevent nail cuts.
Good nail hygiene or care can prevent fungus infections of the nails and painful ingrown nails on the fingers and toes.
Once you have achieved clean and neat nails, you can then explore different options to make them look aesthetically pleasing for example, painting with nail polish, or wearing artificial nails. Try Nail Polish, Artificial nails.
Poor body hygiene results in the following;
- Bad breath; when you don’t care for your teeth by brushing them daily or flossing, you are likely to develop plague that leads to bad breath and other teeth issues like tooth decay and bleeding gums.
- Body odor; this is one of the evidence of poor hygiene brought about by infrequent showering, not changing your underwear regularly, wearing smelly dirty clothes each day. You end up being isolated due to your condition, getting skin conditions and allergies, and discomfort.
- It affects your presentation hence lowering your self-esteem and confidence.
Practicing proper personal hygiene is important for your physical health, social life, and mental health. Try to come up with a routine that can help you to maintain good hygiene.